Stacey's popular crocheted "Duranimals" are a favorite among Lucy's customers and her recycled postage magnets and magazine bead necklaces always get rave reviews. We asked the Newmarket artist a few questions about her crafty ways.
Many people know you for your wonderful mixed media paintings. Is there any cross-over between your paintings and your crafts?
A large part of my painting process involves collecting – mostly the collection of images and collage materials. This collecting has crossed over into my crafting as many of the items that I collect, like used postage stamps, I then use to create new objects.
Recycled Postage Stamp Magnets $8 & $10
Do you find crafting to be relaxing?
Yes, I do find it relaxing. When I work on a painting I enjoy it, however it is “work” and there is usually a sense of urgency or a deadline looming when I am painting. But when I am crafting I do not usually feel this way. I usually spend each evening crocheting or knitting while watching silly TV shows. Besides, the quirky little animals that I crochet usually just make me smile or laugh once I finish them.
Crocheted Lemur $18
Is your family crafty?
My family is very crafty and creative. Both of my parents actually have items that they sell at Lucy’s. My dad (Ron Durand) is a welder by trade and is a very accomplished carpenter as well. His grilled cheese presses are a family favorite. My mom (Denise Durand) is a crocheting queen! She creates baby blankets at incredible speed. I also have an aunt who does quilting and my grandmother used to knit and made slippers and afghans for everyone in the family.
Sock Animals $7-$14
What are you working on right now?
I am knitting a hat, I’m about half-way done crocheting an afghan, I have a few crocheted bunnies to put together, I have started some post cards made from canceled postage stamps, and I’m sure there are more things I have started…
What book, magazine or website would you recommend to the handmade fan?
The magazine Ready Made is really great for ideas of things you can make with items you most likely already have. I also like for their knitted patterns. They have a nice archive of patterns on their site too and every pattern includes a difficulty rating which is very helpful.
What's your favorite local snack?
Hmmmm…. I have a few. I am very fond of the portabello mushroom burritos at Dos Amigos Burritos which is very conveniently located across the street from Lucy’s. I work in Exeter, so my local favorite there is the carrot cake at Blue Moon Evolution… and just about any soup that they make there as well!

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